This week has been a fun one as we have been out in the community a lot engaging people in a variety of ways. On Monday we were at a crime watch meeting composed of mostly older white residents in the community where they addressed some of the problems in the neighborhood. On Tuesday we were with a youth group (again mostly white) from Michigan who helped us clean up the street’s main corridor. On Wednesday, we chatted with several Nepali folks at a 4th of July parade and grilled out with some Nepali friends in the evening. On Thursday we had mostly African-American and Hispanic kids come to a summer feeding program we are doing and today we are gathering for house church and I really never know who will show. 🙂 All these things cause my mind to spin at times wondering how in the world to bring these cultures and races together. Is it possible? Is it worth it?

Today at our house church gathering we are discussing the Samaritan woman story from John 4 and how Jesus toppled over every “us and them” barrier possible. He centers everything on new life – when we get Jesus and His life, we get it all. Justice, love, beauty, welcome – it all happens in and through Jesus. This is such a fresh reminder as we continue to explore what Love Carrick and our journey will be as we move forward.

One of the things that I am learning ever so slowly is that community takes a long time. The white majority doesn’t just suddenly start listening to our African-American and Nepali neighbors. Nepalis don’t just suddenly learn English nor are they so awed at my Nepali language ability that they quickly include Americans into their sub-culture. Whites and blacks don’t just start hanging out because they couldn’t think of anything better to do. Seeing class and race shattered through the Cross takes time, patience, commitment, and most of all, extravagant love.

As I am sitting here thinking about our gathering tonight for house church I am so aware that I have been more educated than many of my neighbors. I am well aware that I have not seen things that some of my older neighbors have seen. My knowledge of the drug scene is limited and I have not personally struggled with addiction. For those with severe mental disabilities, how much will they truly feel heard?When classes and races blend together, how much can we expect to gain quickly. I just continue to bet the farm on Jesus. It is only in and through Christ that His reconciling power can bring true life, justice, and love. Jesus, give me a fresh dose of that life again today.

So is multi-ethnic and multi-class possible

‘ What is impossible for people is possible with God. We bet the farm on Jesus. We engage, commit, declare justice, and love. . . . .Jesus gives new life to all who will drink.