So, I have some friends who get it right. They just do.  I can sometimes be a bit snarky about living a blind life in a sighted world. Yeah, there are certainly those who don’t get it and never will but there are some really awesome people out there.

Today I was on the phone with a friend and colleague and he stated that I was one of the only blind people he knew. He wanted me to tell him if he ever did anything that was disrespectful, too helpful, not helpful enough, and so forth. When someone is this thoughtful and they care enough to express compassion and understanding, it just goes such a long way. I have had several people over the last couple years who have taken this posture. There are caring, thoughtful, and humble people out there.

In a world where those who live on the margins fight for their rights, dignity, and place in society, the noble people of this world can really get drowned out. This should not be. Isaiah’s words to commenting how we deal with injustice ring true: “But the noble make noble plans and by noble deeds they stand” (Isa. 32:18) To the noble people in my life from yesteryear all the way through today, your integrity and deeds speak for themselves.

Likely if you are reading this you feel marginalized or isolated in some way. Most people on the planet do. I am such a strong critic of those who I imagine cannot understand my own marginalization or isolation at times. I build up the rationale in my head. Ignoring Scripture and the compassion of Christ, I form judgements that are rooted much more in the kingdom of this world than in God’s.

There will always be a podcast or opinion to validate our cynicism. We do not have to search long to dream up the ways the world is against us. There are noble people in this world. I know them by name. They have asked quite specifically how to serve and honor me, yes, even in my blind reality. The noble make noble plans and by noble deeds they stand. Thank you. You know who you are.